The Dallas Daily Herald (2024)

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The Dallas Daily Herald (1) Previous item

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ornciu jouBNAL or dalus cut
ItMiiry V tilings; (Jo. inprlelirs"f His
Aiueflusu MohsiiS t IUmmIIHM Hisim
ttvbueiid UimluMi sJnslswIi ais wurauly
authorised sgaiils U sullult uliwirliMiil'
nl lvr(iWiiuuU. T tUll.f
will m liiuml un Did awl Teisns III Hmdon
will flnil H at lliirrvli.
Ma una Is allium lt to uarouaas any srll-
i whivr an Hit sswmhiI ol Hsa-
itAiMuun timh tauli:.
Houston & To im (toiitntl It. It.
south. !. miHTH.
SHU P.HI ..TIiriiiKll Ksprsss . J'Ws.m
Tout) I'ik IIUi Hull way.
WSHT. .. HT.
i4liiiiii A orwuil moil t lull h. M''mil
p.w Through Ksprsss fnWp
mhul .iottinon
t'lt'SII Ollt (lit KUlIlT
Travpl In siiiiiwWliat lielli'r tlian It
Tliara I only one rlHouer In tlie
Kast DmIInn waa iiilut mill onlurly
Yard oloatiliiff ami gardening In
tlio ordor of tlie day.
A. Lltsr was roloased from JhII
yesterday on bouil.
Wllil llowun ara. beginning to
lilooni on the prairies.
Aliout ona litindreil ami forty lialas
of ootton came lu yesterday
There wm nothing of Inttireat In
the Justices' courts yesterday.
The oltUuni are uuKloiisly await-
lug the removal of the poslolllce.
Large lots of agrlmilttiral Itnjilie
luenU are biting received hy dealers.
Truinpa are getting aim rue; the lm-
iinrltirbalile iiulltiu wore too iniiuli for
The warm mm of the paHt low
day lias caused vegiilatlim to grow
A oar load of cotton vaine In yes-
terday morulng on the Dalian and
The Wl.ard Oil limn In the great-
est tal Iter we ever hoard women not
The trains of late ou the dlllerent
miiiIh are arriving more on time tlinu
Yesterday wax a line spring-like
'day and the streets were well lined
with wagons from the country.
Hlxleeu of the Lamar ltlllea annul In order to snltiet an eight (or
the rille matuh on the :Mtu of March.
Our people have eauglit the liulld-
lug fever Judging from the number of
tiiHty residences that ate going up in
the flty.
Hevoral lings and other dead mil
mala lying along the Texan and Ph.
olllu track on 1'auliiu avenue should
be removed.
The evangelists still continue to
hold their meetinga In their tent tab
ernaole comer of Hyoumore and Pa-
ulllo avenue.
Ollluer Clements lias been making
it ho warm for the negro John Devro
who made hie escape a few niglita
since that he came in and gave him
self up yesterday.
It ia oftou easier to aave live cents
than to earn It. People can aave thin
and more bealde getting better satin
faotlon by using Kellogg'a baking
powder. Try It.
Yesterday morning the traiu ou
the Ceutral was thrown from the
traok ou Wood street dituhlng a oar.
A young man named Oley Stuart who
wm ou the box oar Jumped to a float
car badly epraiulug hie ankle.
Two or three young bloods from
Titue county came to the city yester
day with four game oocka with which
they bautered the city for a tight
Their challenge waa readily accepted
To their sorrow two of their chickens
were killed outright by Dallas birds
aud the fifty dollars with which they
backed their fowls went glluimeriug.
With this defeat they pulled up stakes
and left disgusted with their sport lu
i estcniay morning two negro
women who were washing clothes to
gether ou Dallas branch got Into a dis-
pute when one threw a bucket of hot
water on the other badly Bcaldlog her
on her arms aud breast. Though badly
burned she seized a stick of wood and
dealt the other a blow that stretched
her out on the ground where she laid
for several minutes as though she was
dead. She managed to get up how
ever and declared vengeance against
her opponent.
Ksqnlsin Mass.
A grand solemn requiem mass will
he held this morning at ten o'clock at
the Sacred Heart ohuroh In memoriam
of the deceased Catholic priests ( the
diocese of Galveston.
A I'lod.
Yesterday morning a negro man
while securing sods from the Trinity
bottom unearthed a saddle aud a pair
or pistols the latter being burled iu a
box. They looked as though they had
been burled for some time but by
whom la a mystery.
Patriae Rabbit. i
esterday evening a negro enxaged
In diggiug a well ou Columbia street
unearthed a petrified animal the elze
of a rabbit and strongly resembling
one with the exception of .having a
tall. It was found buried some six or
elgbt teet from the surface of the earth
and waa wedged la between two
.i!'!J- ..'!
Mums way
II... ...... muuu rilltUUUlf I. II Kltll
street yesterday evening of a pair of
. . . . il i.ll.ur
lioreue niiHiii wa" -
wagons gave them a wide berth as they
tore down the street making matters
lively along the Hue Alter having
run some distance (hey were caught
by aeveral liien not. however until
they had diuunlMiad the dash hoard.
fUuuilH alierwmH.
Tuesday evening (he tobacco factory
of 'A Farmer Co. at Hliermau was
destroyed by (Ire. Theslock amount
lug lo about eight thousand dollars
waa a total loaa together with (he ma-
chinery valued at two thousand ami
live hundred dollars. The slock was
Insured for three thousand aud (he
machinery aud olllne fixtures fur a
smaller amount. t
OaTtlte Wiir ri
A young man uamed Jtlcliard Mur
ray who lives in this county end who
earns an honest llviui as he should
by the sweat of Ms brow and who
... . . i i I.I..II f..r
siiemle His money as no pMimmu i "
strong drink came Into the city yes-
terday and having drank his (III of
whisky proceeded to raise hail Coluui-
i.u i.. l.'.ini in.ul saloon swearing
P If lie rsse
at the bartender and vowing he was a
dli'tmt da ndautof OiMirge wasiiing-
ton. Had It not beeu for houio rrienus
who carried mm away i m
would havejiad him.
A lillil Wnauor.
...11M1 luiiiiid trnln on the Ceil-
t Mvv ...'. ....... .......
tral road last night landed in the cby
a little girl naiiied llattle Miller who
had traveled from near (lallalln Ten
nessee all the way lo huh cuy amua.
Hlie was a bright intelligent little
irlrl. H till readllv nave the reiiorler lier
iiiiiiic stating (hat she waa going to
her fattier who moved out a lew
mouths since settling I u Wise count v.
The child traveler appeared perfectly
at home in (raveling ami taaing a
carriage ordered the driver to drive
tier to a goon noun.
ini.. ...ui.i.....u i.r Dm lirlilu'u futlmr.
lit Tumuit county. 'IVxhh. on the Mix
i.V.l......... IUTU hit Htm llitllhil Mlllt.
t..m ..i T uiiium ui vuit. itliiirnh. KiiV
M. Jt. Pierce ol Floyd street church
aud Miss I'). H. Hnyder.
The happy pair came down by the
traiu last ulglit from Fori Worth aud
were met at the depot by a large num-
ber of I he members of Floyd street
..ininili. mill fiiniiliiutud to the residence
of Mr. Haskell where a sumptuous re-
I ..... I I
pael was spread wnicn waa enjoyed ny
the party present with niuiilfcel pleas
Wii mink from annuaranccs that the
old adiiRe 11 I.Ike priest like people"
will I hi ronii'l true attain In several
weddings among the young folks of
the Floyd street congregation.
Tin: conic th.
ItciKirilwr's t'onrl.
City vs. I (lake coulinuud until
City vs. J. C. Itogel charged with
violating the Munday law; defendant
City vs. Henry Prlnglo charged
with violating the Humlay law; do
fendaut dlscliariced
IMHtrlel I'oiirl.
Htate vs. John Heninies clinrged
with assault to kill; continued by de
Hlute vs. John Parker charged with
burglary; defendant's motion to quash
the indictment wherein It charged
him with burglary sustained which
threw the case out of the jurisdiction
of the court.
Itttims mill WIHilla Hnllroml.
Having given our notes to the Dallas
and Wichita railroad lu the spring of
lNitl lu order to save the charter of
said road and having the pltdgeor tne
otllcera of the company that the road
should be built to the county line tiy
July J87II or January 1877 now. as
the consideration (or which these notes
were given has entirely failed we will
not imy them. As suit has been
instituted against a number of us we
liavo employed Judge Field and the
IUiu of tJood A Bower to resist the
collection of said notes. We therefore
Invite all who have given their uotrs
to tlie Dallas aud Wichita railroad to
meet us ou next .Saturday at three
o'clock p. in. at the ottice of Hood &
Hower aud unite with us lu a com.
moil defense.
Ailtintlou ll.xtk Hud l.nilflvr No. I
OIHcers and members are requested
to meet at the truck house this even
ing (Thursday the 28th) at 7:.'i0 o'clock
sharp lu full uniform (or drill.
Jty order of
l.UKK 1IUNN Koromsn.
Otllcers and membets of Kenglne
Company iNo.l.are requested to meet at
the ei glue house tills evening. 1 burs.
day 28 at 7:30 sharp lu full uniform
for drill. By order of
WM. LUNU Foreman
(files' Liniment Iodide of Ammonia
has been used by myself aud family
with satisfactory reeults. 1 recommend
it to all persons puttering witli pains
or aches of any kind. It surpasses
auytniug l nave ever uei.
Prflstilont Heal Kutule iiuil HsvIiik llnuk
tiniviiiiure. maty mini.
For sale by Connor A. Walker drug
gists Dallas Texas.
Dallas Chapter No. 47 Hoyal Arch
Masons will meet to-night for work.
All companions are cordially invited
lo attend. w. F. ci:.mmin3 h. p.
(tellable help for weak and net
vous autlerera. Chronic painful and
prostrating diseases cured without
medicine pulvermacher'a electrlo
belts the grand Uesideiatum. Avoid
Imitations. Dook aud Journal with
particulars mailed free. Addres Pul-
vermaclier Cialvanlo comianv. Clu-.
cinnan uuio.
nallaa Clly Lnnibc Yum.
For "II kinds of shirts and flna
bats go to the Clothing palace MS
IUm street f23 10t.
New York early rose seed potatoes
n 60 at Adams A Co.' feb&-tf.
Dallas tflijr lanknr Tard.
-Cboloe bufTalo hams al Adams
Ca'a. febft-tf.
lallM CIU Lumbar Yard.
-Adams A Co. Illl orders for grain
and produce. 11
-Julius Kahii's Clothing palace Is
the best place to buy your I'loihlng. t
6i;i Kim atreet.-WI-Jiit
-Choice onions t-l pur barrel ai
AdauisACo's. "
Itallnsl llr I ii m I"' r ImiiI
-Jluy yuur buggies tit Orr's-thcy
all do it. ir .
-6111 i:im street Is Hie cheapest and
best place (o buy all kinds of goulV
furnishing goods.-Wf lot
-Orr Is selling his buggies and
waiions at twenty-live percent less
than til. 1-ouls prlces.-tf.
County scrip by David W. Adams
courthouse. Jaiili-lm.
Iiallas l.uuilr Vanl
('uirnl I'Mib
This beautiful park formerly kuowu
is 11 Frasnatl" minted lu haudaome
. . .... ... .i i... 1....
style will nu rcopciiuii io uny oy mi"
Mlguon aud kept open every day
hereafter. All families Invited Mo
Improper characters admitted on any
occaMlou HI Loula aud Milwaukee
beer served at live cents per glass.
fehJI I m
Don't (all to cull al Julius Kahn's
Clothing palace for clothing liud I mis
at 6ia Kim street -Wl-iot.
Inllriir l.miilwr tswl
'ul I'lui M llu'uiiknu uri.iti 111 in
exoi t lager-beer put up III cases tons
talulug each one two and three do.
en plots aud quarts. For sale by
ai I'l.ii.iiAn i it.
I lly ins I'nyrrs Aimiillinil
Notice is hereby given Hint the
board annoiiited to correct the city as
sessment for the year IH7H will meet
ou the first Monday in March proxl.
mo at the real estate olllce or V. It.
Wellborn al which time all errors
will be corrected aud complaints at
tended to.
J. N. IIUDt'.N
fJMw. City AssiKMir anil CullweUii'
Fverybody lunches at (lus Mlg-
lion's free from 10 a. in. to 12 m. He
member UiiU I'.lm street. tf.
County scilp lu ilargo and email
quantities fur sale hy Fred Mangct
tliket broker. I.etlraud hotel He also
huyseud sella railroad tickets. tf
Uuery: " Why will men smoke
common tobacco when they can buy
Marlmr Dros. ' 8eal of North Caro
lina' at the same price V" Jau illilly
Adams & Co. Illl orders for grain
and produce. tf.
Two car loads of buggies and plat
oriii wagons at Orr's. tf.
If you want to trade au old buggy
for a new one Orr's Is the place. tf.
If you want to buy a family car
riage Orr has the latest styles aud
patterns. tf.
Picture frames and mouldings
new patterns of wall paper for 1N7H at
Heed A Lat drop's. Ju-tt lm
If you want wcll-umde and cheap
cheap clothing examine at 613 Kim
You can save enough money to
pay expenses ou the road by buying
your railroad tickets from Fred Man-
get ticket broker I.eOruml hotel. He
has also county scrip for sale. tf
- I must aud will sell all kludH of
gentlemen's and boy's wearing appa.
rel cheaper tliau any house iu Texas
Call before buying elsewhere. Julius
Kahn 613 Elm street. f H-lut.
Itnllits lljr Lumber lrl.
Hot lunch free at (ins Miguou's
(Hit) Kim street from 10 a. in. to 12 m
Itnlliwfliy l.uiiilirr Vitnl.
Dou't buy any clothing or gents'
furnishing goods before hoklng at
Julius Kahn's Clothing palace 513 Kim
etreeU rj310t.
Call and see (Jus Mlguon (itlO Kim
street. Choice liquors and free lunch.
Itnllas f'lly liOuibur Ynnl.
I.ont null.
Any one knowing the address of Cap
tain Frank Irvy formerly ef Venango
county Pennsylvania (lately near
Dallas) will confer a favor by sending
to this olllce Aledo Mercer county
Tbe 111- Ulnnl Com Mill.
Mesr. Alfiml A Horlej Dallas :
The Uiu (llaut No. 2 mill which we
bought of you on the llch lust. gives
perieci satisfaction doing all and
more man you recommended it to do.
making three hundred bushels of eooii
ground feed Inside of four hours. We
would not be without the mill for
twice tne worth of It.
Kiliiakk February Jl ls;s.
No. 1 mill grinds eight to twelve
ousneis per nour prioe
No. 2 mill griuds ten to lift ecu bush
eis per uour price wo.
No. 3 mill grinds sixteen to twenty
bitHhuts imr limir nrlna KTiii
No 1 geared mill griuds twenty-five
iu nuriy uusoeis per nour price To.
No. 2 geared mill grind fifty to sixty
uiimivin ifr ituur irine 9iui.
WMth fraluW fr..... U 1 .... I.
.. .... .....i. uiu Uk UUUIB nil. 1111.
He ml for circular and see the mills at
ALrORl) A HOltLKY Hole Agents
folilMw -am Kim sireel Dallas
'. U. Pol Hrrrlirul Tsllor.
Wishes to Inform his customers that
he has Just received his stock of spring
and summer goods consisting of the
most fashionable patterns of Imported
goods which he will make-up In the
latest style. Ho employs none but the
best tailors aud both lu cut and make
can not be surpassed In the city. Sales
room tinner t tie jjeWrand hold one
door west of Austin street. teb.20 lw.
Ilnllns City l.nitibrr lfuril.
Four No. 1 mules for sale at
Orr'e. tf
Adams A Co. solicit consignments
and fllla orders. tf
Dallas City Lambrr IsrS
Honictblas Hw for lbs LaillM.
Just received at the Dollar store new
sty lea of ladles' lace collars and cuds
Torohan Uuelph and other new laces
embroideries silk handkerchiefs eta.
Call early at Qoldsmitb Rosenthal A
Co. -s 714 and 716 Elm streeU-febiCdm
ijnuain Un
Attorney at law; oillee H'7
mI r.4.1 . Iii. Hum. I'liiiiinl attention
to all business i.iitiiili-d In Ml
The idane In buy yur clotliliig
AlltKIm stieet at Julius Kaliu's
lug palace IWnini
-A great bargain lu bullel'
Adsiim & Co if
iu iii.iUnii. niiiirni v at
-. .............
nillmi. iinriitir of Main and I.
streets Hpecial attention lo hauliiupt
caH. aiilil-m
-If you waul to save hundred
dollars In the purchase of a buggy go
n Orr's. If.
Lunch Stand for Sale.
Willi Isasu and lUtuius the biwl paylns
luniih Slaiul III thsiity l-lulnr "Ihnlillf
son's 'i'liealre" dwner slsnil t leave oily.
Knr furlliur liitoiiiisllnii SMly In
Ill 1 1 ill I w
In iiliuilleii.ia hi lemilulllillS III III" Clly
(' iiliiell Mieil Hi k l.i.KlllBr IllrullllU llulil
Kslitlllliy mi IHlli m . nun aiwt ill iiiiuiii
eiicii In .iw'l Inn in inu etiniiiTiii iiiriuij in
DllllSM. I W. I.. I...IIIIII MIIVlll III 1MB I II)' in
Imiliiu ilo liuiuli) illimi lliul su slum Ion lie
Imlu mi
Tbb..'! 1.02. Dai if April A. D. 1878
In lliHilnli'ii'iil wiinls ( tliu ell) el I in 1 1 in.
lor lli I.iIIiih llM eliy oiiiiieisi
I Inn I'll v Heiiri'lHiy.
(Him (Illy l'i ciiniii l
I hid I'lly Allm in y.
lino Clly MiuhIiiiII
(Uiu I lly hiiKliii.i.r.
tinut lly Asiio-i'i soil I'lillieilnr.
(Inn Alilei'initn III Ills I' lml wnnl In iiIiiiih
ol Alileliiniii I'liiw.lim wIiiiki' lerin vilii'N
(lu Aliii'iniiiil III nio nei'inni whiii in
lilllrsol Aliu'i limn n.-iiy
I inn Alilniiiiiiii In lliu l liliil wuril.ln iIhi'h
of Alilnrinuii .lull.
tii Alilniiiiiiii iii inn rouiiii warn iu
iiliiniitil Al'ierniiiii Wlllliiius.
rim iiiiiInwiII lit'iineni il In en Ii warilfriuii
So'i'liinS ii in. until H i. iu.
Tint elnol lull Hi Mm rirni wiiruwiii n ni:.i
hi Uiu imiirt Iioiihh K. 11 Kiimlull .ii nll na
Tliu iilsiillnti III lh Hi-eonil wiinl will lie
lit Uisdlil llruiiiii Kiietory M. I). umnnnKiii
11'I.Ulll I IIU lllllllilf.
'I'hu nli'i'lliiii la (he Tlilril went will lie
lielil at Krlek'MiililHliirn I'oriinrni inyiiu mm
liiirwiHiil niivels joiui nunry nrumi nn
Mlillliu llllletT.
J lie nleilllull 111 lite roilllll mini win lie
1 1 lit lit Voiiiih's Hi'iinol Hiiiiui on Vining
Htiiint iii'i'hIiIiiik oMteer Jolin J. luikln.
In li'Htliniiiiy wlinrwil I hiivn liuriiuuto sol
in y IiiiiiiI mill i'siih il tlnmeiil nt llisnlt v of
Diillim Iii lie Hill nil tills tliu Mill il.iy'ol K'l)-
niHiv. A. D. IHVS. W I. I'AIIKI.I.
Alayor 1 II y nl Uiiliim
Allimt : .1. II. IUhiumk. Oily Hwirulary
M Avon's (liKirn. )
City iii' I'ai.Las Kslirusiy 'in 1-'H. j
The illllinent Winds of tliu city of lUillua
lisvlna lii'en eliiniHeil slneti Hie IhnI iilerlluii
llin lol n w I ii k iiiillniini'ii Is imlillshi'il lor I hi)
1 1 1 tin unit inn ami Kiililiinuu of all oniii'iirnuil
vir. ;
An nr.lliin.ueo iliUllllnn tliu WSIils of Hie
uliy nl Dallas.
IWU Oittttitmt lu the Villi tnimil 11 the Villi
tj '(hum :
Hei'tlnii. I Tlie elty Hindi tin 1IWM11I Into
lour wanlH iw lolliiwa tii-wll t inn I'lml
wiitil Hint 1 1 i'IiiIii'iiimi all of Hie t-iiriioralii lliu
IIh liiiuuileil liy I lm rlvi.r 1111 llin wvnllliu
!'tiiiiii'Hli Hue 011 tlio siiiilti Akiuil mill Mn.
Hiiinre mi reels on nu eH-si.iiuu I'.un Ntt-eei 011
lliu nnrlli. mill lliliil tin eutlileil In Hunt. Iir
Its own vnli. iiliuie two Hlilnriiii'ii. Tlie
HiM'iiinl witril ulitill Ileum it the river tut KI111
Hlreel mill run llieiiin with kiiIiI 111 111 street
lo Hveiiuiiire slrent tlinneu with HyciiHiure
silent lo Kims uviniiie wlllt IIiihh uvenuii to
Mnteii Ml eel. Willi M listen Hi rrel to Hallux
liiiinnti Hiiil (hnuee Willi llin DiiIIiih liruneh
In the north Unit of the elly tlienoe with
iiihl Hun to Trinity river mill iliiwn the
river to the lieultinliiK anil hIii.I1 tie em llleil
tonlenl liy lUnwii voln two iililnrnien Tliu
'l'lilril whiiI shall eintiraeu all tho eiii'ioralii
lliultK eiiHt of tliu Meeiuul WKiilainl HyeHiiuiru
stieet anil norm ol l''.lni strne1 iind hiiuII be
entitluit lo 'li 11I liy lisnwti vntn alouii two
iililiirinun 1 lie 1'oinlll win. I Htntll eiuliriuie
ml ol the coi'iin 11 In llinlli v.nnl nl (tin l' lrnt
want mill hiiuIIi ol Klin Htrsut ami Hhull tin
iinllllnil lu t'lni't by Iihowii vols alone two
miinriiiuti. t'1-ovnh-ti 1 nat. tlie irnHniit reNl-.
limine 01 JiiiIko Nut. M. Mill I.u it nhnl nine be
liinluileu In Ills I-oil r 1 11 want.
Hnetton II. That IIiIh unlliiuiti'n no Into
eiiuiii irinti nun inter .laiilllli v I ci.s.
Ai)IutihI November 'l
W.I.. t'AHKI.l Mayor.
Attest; J. It. llKuaroKii Hnuiuliiry. '.Ml-lot
Of the ooiutltlon of tlio
Exchange Rank
On the 25th Day of January 1878.
A 88 MS.
ChhIi on It And .1
KxotninsuM 711
bi:wi ii?
AitVHtioua on eotdm lit
ootirNS of Bhlitueiit
I.OttllH till UlSi'OUIl s
Itnnils ami aerip
Hunk fixtures
Ileal KitHte
Total .
7(W"3 m
:tM'j I
i. 177 'J7
1111 SU
Due tleinsttors
Due bniiha Hinl bankets
f 00
i li.7..'2 rm
2.W77 1
1147. SJ
Nluif of 1 Coaniy ef l)alls t
ii ii
ttefnrs tlie un'lerHhined authority
ally acofared K. H. DiiveniMirt. iiiiiaii.ii
kniiWD who beltiK tlu.y awinn aaya that the
above hIrUi nut la true to the beat ol Ills
Kiiow.euKu anil ociier.
Hwniu to anil before me. this
fiStll duv ill .Iu...i.r. A II 1KTU
w V 1 ill I-V' . I
Notary Hubl'o.
I.I1JK1 kM .......
ta- SiKllta
Sore Throat
lleqiilres Immedi
ate Atienl on.
A cimtuuiHiioo fur any IoiikIIi of tune
OHUHna irt ltiitllill nt the I.hiibh nr Hnmn Al .-.....'
U' Tlirnnt aileetlmi. Nenlect otlentluma re-
nltH In nuine incurable Lung ulaease
llrilWIl'M llr.nw.l.lul Tu.l. .
-.m u"u 1T1. vmi
e ttciiey by h le.t of many yesia aim will
... . v " T. ITr iniiiinuiiie rellel
Ob itlll mi v ltr..uiM ltr.i..lini '...-.
ami iln uut take any of the wnrtlileHs litilta-
.......... in iii mil. llmv.ulCW4lllS
Tlie mm of Ti'xnsto Hie hnrlrr or any
eotidlable of Dallnainunly ureetltiK. Where
MOHth hna this day I km a inuile before tin.
by William HkoIiiw. Hint K. ('. Hhltie N a
ItHnali.i.l ...rut ll.a t..u
CfUH iif Inw ean not ben-t ve-l iikid liliii yon"
. .. ' v......n...n .nu inn iiv rtlHk. Illll m tl..u .! I.. .... ...nKini
i.riiiti n i r...:. - - 7. .'r."y'Py
Ive werka In lore the relitrn day hereof
....... u.M . nniuein no uml an-
imar belnre me at my olllce iu preiMnct No
H In the county of Dallas ou tlie tilth day of
J- - .'i " ...i.iT ilia I' 1 1 m
plaint of (he nald William Hiii hue tor the
umof ulm ty-three dollam dun uin acf
o.unt for nnney hrnnwl to said It. v. iHlune
ahnilLtl.H tlrul txf Mn.a.n a . .v.
... ...... u fj p 11)
Pitrohaiea crop or which aald oiod waa I
stand as a lien for said money.
Jleieln fail not ami el this writ make due
Olveu under my haud'thUthe 22d Uar of
Jaouaiy A I). lS7s.
m XI f r- n .t -
Precinct o. 3 DaUm oonuty l.m.--
lv.iiiaa Ili.lTiJI
or nu.
Great outlioni Actress
Ami ViiUliS Amnllrsll Truamlleiiao
Who will iiuiltulin Ural hi.viiisiih liel"
1 ueu lor ! illl liliiiiifha III Now l"i
. 1.1. 1.. ..n. i. im ui.1 mImmim inn m. aim.
II .Inn J'lilht lnlill Hinl elauwheis aim.
lllllll'llHy HI IllHlllliy Mnn'.'.n.i mi... .. ....
0iUIiuliyUllili r Ibu II HUM.nulniil 01
Il.ibml Mlilnlil'a Nuhllins Clay
Marls Lowell's lleuiitllnl Hint y
I NO 0 MA it!"
Hllu Vlvhlly lnnlliil I limliitls ('ll.lllllllll
lm iniwot. Hull am 'iihmh.iI liel
III Vlllllll mililllllltl'il-NnW Vol S llnlllbl
Ainnl liiH'a urnuleal HnlriMa I he srnHleal
aim iiHHuvur kimwii.- l.unlavlilu Join mih
A llnr Inns wiilllns our llnwMur luia nuine
I onus. IiiihiiIIIiii nun eiiNi ""..'.i in ii ii-
iloitlileil Hnu In.- I IliiMl.HI iihvi uer.
Tim Iii.iiiI siul lentlllua of Miss A mini mil
fiilliiwllinll k I v unit Hl'U lis heHUIIflll
.m Miuliin'a wllhiilitlbnil.'liH l ol illl lulil.-
u link nl lunbliiiv Hint ninel"li. lliu
inn ... I v niiiiilileil llirniil Is et neon ahnul
iImik tbiil Hi.'it-e"iilillnly luimhi il Ha tlmau
nl lliu nil. kin nil h I' ueliiu'a Who lini'illltu
liiiiiiuis Inr llila uiih inilnl ul Involliinn.
INuW Viull TiiIssihiiI.
Miuy Auilniaiili las miirvnl-a lllnrvnl nl
lieu lit V ul ui sun ui Hriiaiti' liin-iii m h'-i.iiim.
-1 1 1. .Ml mi Tliees
"l'.VHiliie"-V lm v. never sueu aiiylhllitf
(ii Hill iiii.ll 11-UilHliill Conner.
K rv..1 mmla nt I hn llol Ollteii cum
niunelns Krlihiy Mitieh ll. InbJItllllin liU
lllllllHt fIXIlH
JOHN W. TllOMl'HOX 1'ioprletor.
Monilsy Kveiiins rVbruiirtr lHtli will lie
liiuduceil the luiHiillfiil luaiuaiio
siievliielu ol
Or the KiD2 of the Iron Hand
W'lleh entirely new scenery hy J Hurt Etui
New niiiHiuiii nieenatiiniit unit oniciutu ei'
leiils and an pel b eiHtuiiius.
Neatest nniNt eimipleln ami only K11WT.
CI.AHH VAK1KTY Til K AT UK 111 the tsiale.
Mono but
Kirist-ClaNS Talent
Ktnployeil ami none but KlHHT-t'I.ANH
Imrlin iniini'i'K ulveti ai'iili-ll
Notice la hereby ulv'.n to nil reisntiHow
ItiK un iieouput on tux either state or oounly
to come forward promptly and pay up hs
the aranil Jury will meet the UiMt Alouiuy
In Ma eh 1S7S liy ho du'na they will save
oohih utiapoeiitiiiy
Tax Collector Dallaa I'liuniy
Keliruaiy lit IS78. fi.hUit.Sw-v.'at
Notice to Delinquent Tax-Payers
Mavok's Oictca Vat of Dallas 1
January 17 1H7S. f
Notice la hereby given to all delluiiueut
taxpayers of the city whose property waa
sold for non-payment of taxes and pur-
chased by the oily hi the recent tax sales
that they can anve further costs by conuuu;
ui waiu nun paying uioHiime to tne coitec.
or. W. L. CABKI.I.
(I anlftdiot Mayor City or Dallas.
Mayor's Ox-kick
City oy Dallas February s 1K7S. 1
AtarcKUlar ineellnB of the Cltv Council
held February Mb 178 a resolutton was
adopted lnatruotlux tlie Mayor m appoint
u .iniiiit'i- in uint? aiiieriiieii to ue Known
as the" l'uroliiiHlnii ConnittteM."
The duty ol this eonimltlee Is to make all
purcuiiBot every Kind and description that
in- y be necesnary lu the dlltereut depart-
ments ol the city miveriiiil. iit. A 1. lemma
.-nuine tun anil Otowilna have been ap.
pnltileil on said coinmliteii. The nlUncm .
every departinent of the oily aoverument
aa well as the cltlaens of the city Keneriilly
w... iiicitw uuiiHiiirr una uoiico auit act in
Hwumauiw wtiu lue same.
feb-dtot. Mayor Olty of Dallas.
Robert Strahorn & Co
Room 64 Exchange Building
Kepretented at Tort Worth by J C. Rick-
dson. At Denlaoo by Frank. H. Baker
-iEsopjpTiOr. ma
"ClOH the speedy Cure of Seminal Weak-
ueas i.oat Msuhood.and all disorders
bronant ou by Indiscretion or Excess.
Any UruRH-iat has the ingredient.
Wlnet Llquori and Tobaoooi
tl u to Hala atn erar t. mmm
Mary Anderson
oun Diai'LAV op
Isiiot to hu t)colH)il-W lv(li Kii('atNm liMlUlia .
that Mill Dtily ('oiiii)IUon 1
(M il M Ot'K OF I
Diamond Goods Fine Watches
is Doiiijilele anU will he ofTnrwt at snoU Low Prlteass will iirirlaeyiu vn '
An Klcsraiit ANsortment (r UOLIMUUM;) caxej
And many ll.inilauuie Artl' h'iiiltshlUlfis rnrfiuutlsuiuii J.u.ti.. H)1j ciuar.0
Romcmlor Wo Ar Prepared to Meo all Dniftn(jfc
KNKlU-ia k SON'S
1 leitil ifiiar tei-M lor IllIIay Goods ia Daa!)
And one of much lieneftt to tint people at
liHK" always altriiets nl ImiUnll. It Iihs
hi.aii ilia history uf nil Iriidns nuil liiHiiuhea
tit .ilmr that the primitive lui.lliiKl of hu-
ciiiiipllalilua lb" deiilreil end bua lieuu ipiltu
liibuiliiiia no. I very atuw In Its rusulii nt
iial lliu hlaliny ol Hull III uh lliu aiema to
oiilirlriii the u-ai Tlluli. Firat illsslua with
the plek uml suiule then aonieboiiy tliotiKlit
of liiirius hy liauil hut HI llrst the ausnrs
liai-d wi le ei inlii iiIIiiIih suit eapiihleol lull -Ins
but s hiiihII hiile aiipplyliis a very little
puiu wilier. The upniilus up of lliu ICM'itt
wesi iiihiIu the deiiiHiid for wells an ureal
Unit wit lull the lin.ttW'1 years well-Inn Iiik
Inula have linen llivmil.'.t anil the IiuhIiiih
luia been In a lueiisuie luvolutlouixi.d ami
has lii'i'iiiiiu a uiiiiixm of liiouey-iiiHliluu
f.11111 li.l by iiii ill Hit brunch the In-
Vealuienl Ih no Illl In. .V.i me .. i 'iu now to
where they oun Kt the brat inuehlnu. vr-
. W.ii luia Ht Iiuil been lelitlhed llllii we ollur
y.itl a liiiiehlnu eoiiiilele III evwiy detail one
IIihI liltlliieil to live wheu all others sio
furuiilleii ll la the unly aua1 r ever In-
veiitid with H slime nil no 1 1 ti i.-lit or hu ad-
lualable head Ihut limes any hIki.iI well
fin ui two foil tip without lultueis. called
the (.Winmiiiif II Wl tieir piiti'tiled .litnu Hi
IhJiI uml uiaiiuraiiliitid liy 11. K. Ilnilsti !!!
biniue. lowu. Any one wUi lnil to n Into
the bonlhiisii or Irsde laml tutvn property
tirxtoi'k luruii iiiiKiir o mi territory or waul
to lm vol In this at.iteuiid sell auunrs and
territory ou a bnmi cuiuiuissloii will pletuni
cull ou inn ill the Nallnuiil lintel or H. 1.
Ii. nlvr Hi the I'lautuia' linuse. Klin street
IhiiliiN Texas where 1 will he for the next
thirty days. '1 lie auaer is un exhibition anil
la l n 1 1 ll 1 iim all llin Hum. I will uuuriinleu
any man in iiiukii as niiieli asmu periluy.
This Iikius use kiiu tun e nuiwti t in uiu
It has hern uiaiie with this uiiu'liluu day
after day and will be made over and over
HKiiln liy niHiiy who am lucky enuuiih to no
Into the liuslueaa. Co i o and see me beloiH
il is loo lain us 1 uun liol si u' In tills place
hut tlilrly days. D. N. ItUUT
Patentee ol siilil Auxer.
N. Ii. As 1 hava lieuu enmiK.Hi In tlie well
liorliH! Ixtslness for tbe hist twuyesis and
sin ueiUHluted Willi the most ol Iheauip.ra
111 use mid havluK run tlio I'eiitenulal AmaT
lul'thuliiHt live moutliH would eheHiiully
recniiiiueiid it as the must complete and
lieat. aimer lu the lusrkel. Vours respect-
fully H. t . DlSPWiK.
OUn Main Nl. Dallna Texns.
Twines Paper Bas Wull Paper
and MotiltUiitfs.
puiilibukks and dk.m.eks in
Law Books
Sayles' Practice $10 00
Sayles' Pleading 6 50
Sayles' Notes 7 50
Sayles' Forms 5 00
Sayles' Treatise-New Edition In Press.
FlSClUL'SUlliEil DECI810SS 3 Vol! 45 00
THUS BEPOKTS Cemplele Sri 291 00
TEXAS BEl'ORTS Vb. 20 25 2S 211 IW 11
TEXAS IMPORTS ill others nek 6 00
A Large and Complete Block
Which he offers at prices as low as those of
any law book liouao lit the United Slates
rorrcapnuilence Is Invited. Parties dealrlug
large lota will find it to their advantage to
send to Mm for estimate". Second-hand
books valued and told ou conimlfaloo or
taken In oxetiauKe. Parties having libra-
rles for sale will do well tocouslun them lo
ii lm ou cotuml&siou.
School and Miscellaneous looks
MOLLIS K..A100BK'8 Poems tiOO ....6 OC
THOS. KUOOOS'-rateof Marvin'.... 2 00
W. T.WKAVKR'rt "Hours of Amnse-
tnent" 2 w
H. 8.THALL'9"Ui8tory of Methodism
luTeiaa" i jj
TH08. AFFLECK'S "Hedges and Bedg-
lug" j
ltev.J..HUTCtIlBoMH "Hemlnlscences " 1 0
Hev. J. It LXNtlLVSnevlation" 1 ou
TheUfeof Navarro.' gj
1 1 mi ftir anU lla n ....... . ...... . .. . . . . .
miacellaneeoa Inioka In Tejaa. He In-
...-e muni iroin an who want books
Vhulllfll Ul D'lu.l.U . ..1.1 . .
.. ..... n ...n..-1l 011 Huu maaes a
specialty of andltiany bonk wauled II It ts
lo be foiiud In America or Kurope Ail booki
lualied direct at retail prices.
rovvisstoN MiRrltiNT in
arATTO.KRr blaxk sook.i flat
Ilouaitou Texas
TIcrsr.h In nrd arm A 11 awl u . . .
ths bight trains. 1 ;ociStau'
Stock ! ft
OKlMfvirL stroot.
Will. II M
J'HUtKII.IWi. W.i:.(WWwi
AutLoriacd Cupltalt
A Ouuoral Hank lug UihiIiicm TrinutM
v.O.t'onnoi. .Inl.nKorr
It. r . AuiispatiKh 'iiiuj Walkit
Ir. W. rriionmH.
I'AKI.OKK XO. 7111 i:iM NTKKtl
OverHco. Kick's Km nlturo Store.
1'byslvluus HUtl durgeeua
Juo. H. Mc.-Uiu Ji.l). l'liyHioliui itnd iter
eon otllce uver f Irnt Nuliuiinl IUm. KmI
euoe comer n.iu Jaclntu and Harwoouilt
alias. To i.u ChIIn lo tlio couuiry jirtuupliy
IU.II In.l. n.'J.llm
On the 1st of Kupteinbi-r I aliuU iiileromi
the practice ol the law In Diillun. Olt.l
wlU'Judgu Barksdale aoiitheiiot corner ol
public sitiaru
BUKxtlm N. M. HtfltFOKD
W. U. Ilollaiiil iitmrtiuv-uMnw oill
coi ner of Lamar ami Miiln hlreet lu build-
inu occupied by Keront llcrul'nrii. di'iSltn
Advances imle tin Coiinlfc'unienti
of CottoulaiHi other
Bpeoiai attentlou given to purehaanol
goods oollecttous oiniltiiuons and luvMl-
Fin Lands
The Trustees of Baylaud Orphan's Horn
Tlie following Trails of Land ilz:
I. S.S40 acres in One body on Cmldo ere
Stephens county.
II. 18107 nores In one body on tksljjj
Koikof Hnbhaiil's creek and ott i
creek lyliui partly in Stephens and P"i
In Shacaellord counties.
III. 1.15.11 acres in one body on EJl
of Hubbard a creek In Callaaaa coirnv.
IV. i.1itfi7 on a tributary of HubbuJ
creek In (Jtillahuii county.
These lands were located In lsl ""'"'JJ
whole northwest whs opeu to local .
were selected as t he best vacant """JA".
state. They patent direct limn the '
the aaalKtiee of the hoar l In traotol
less than m acres. They are alres'V
veyed and deslguate t on the 'J?lu ip.
cotintlea in tracts or i.l" ai res ami lLi
p.lcallou will becousideicd lor the V
ot ail these bodies or of any oue of liwan
of any section that may bo di-siguawu.
E.H. CUSKING Houston iM
Asiibklhuitu Prea't ol the Beard.
decj.-idlm .
Jones & Spatholt
Merchant Tailors.
Have Just received a large lot ai
nr.riTHs. TinFsinNs.nASiMERES. Elc
All Work Guaranto4'.
Norm TravlH Pf
This boas Is fltted no In snmrtnrntij
and equal to the beat Cars Id tlie ais'.. 9
Ule barkeepeta aud ssrtants eenatanyj .
ttendauee. m

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The Dallas Daily Herald. (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 6, No. 15, Ed. 1 Thursday, February 28, 1878,newspaper, February 28, 1878; ( May 24, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,;.

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The Dallas Daily Herald (2024)
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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.