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Nov 20, 2017

Liar 14/? (Tom Riddle Jr/Voldemort Imagine)

(A/N: Are you excited to have Matt as your Professor because I SURE AM OKAY.)

Your morning was going surprisingly well despite the events the night prior. Not once did you hear a single peep from any of your Slytherin housemates or anyone else for that matter, for the most part, people ignored you as best they could while you sat at the end of the house table.

But still, you dreaded it more and more as the hours ticked away, classes passed and you had two left for the day. Charms, which you had no problem with, and Care of Magical Creatures. You hoped you wouldn't see Sterling there, but considering he'd apparently visited you in the hospital wing, you probably would.

The thought made you anxious and soon you could feel moisture forming on your face, limbs feeling heavy and light all at once. You were careful not to make eye contact with anyone, eyes forward, back straight, face hard - you wanted to appear stronger than you were currently feeling and from the looks or lack of looks you were receiving it was working just fine. That, or you'd gone back to being irrelevant to the rest of the school.

Charms was something you didn't really struggle with but conjuring like the rest of your students was. You struggled tremendously to conjure objects and failed every practical test you'd been given, only passing the class because it was the only thing you lacked. Slipping into a seat unnoticed in the back of the classroom, you waited as other students came in and out of the room until your whole class was present and organized.

Arms folded in on your desk, you rested your head between them and closed your eyes for about a fraction of a second before a thundering crack landed right next to your ear and you nearly jumped through the ceiling, eyes wild and frantic, blood rushing to your ears and muscles stiff as a board.

"No sleeping in my class, Y/N." Tutted Professor Brook, his hand wrapped around an old pointer. You looked up at the man and took a long breath before nodding, "Sorry, sir."

The man hummed as he passed, twirling that old stick between his fingers mindlessly as he began to speak. You tried to zone out for the majority of the quirky professor's class but each time you did, he'd bring you right back in with the call of your name. "Y/N, would you like to demonstrate?"

Blinking rapidly and clutching the sides of your chair, you slowly nodded. "Sir?" The brunette smiled at you, "We're revisiting some spells from last year's class, if you remember," his voice was playful and light which helped calm your nerves. You never did like being picked out of a crowd.

"Levitation being one of them." Professor Brook winked at you as you rose from your seat, retrieving your want from your robe pocket and clearing your throat, "Yes, sir."

Squinting your eyes and scanning the room, you raised your wand and with a gentle swish and flick, recited your incantation. "Wingardium leviosa."

A pile of books rattled before rising from one of the front desks in the class, loose pages gliding about carelessly as you continued to hold your spell. For a moment, Professor Brook just stared at you before a broad smile crept across his thin lips ."Very well done, Y/N. I didn't think you payed much attention."

Snorting, you spoke up, "Didn't we learn this in our first year, sir? Why are we revisiting the easy spells?" A few students joined in on your laughter, jokingly demanding harder charms from behind their desks.

"You'd like a harder one, then? Alright," the brunette pursed his lips in thought before clapping his hands together and he kicked a small foot stool from beneath his desk into sight, crossing his arms and watching you carefully. "Bit small for me."

You blinked at your professor and he blinked back at you tauntingly before your lips formed a small 'o' and you smiled, "Engorgio." Your wand pointed, the wooden stool began to grow in side until it was about the same size as a regular desk chair and Professor Brook smiled at you, "Very good."

Ego swelling, you smirked and straightened your back, feeling much more confident than you had at the beginning of the class. "Give me another?"

"I think you should think of this one. Come on, something fancier, Y/N." Brows furrowed in thought, you flipped through the pages in your mind until you found something that you found particularly difficult in your third year and took you multiple practical lessons to actually get mastered.

Arm outstretched and wand pointed carefully, you called clearly at that irritating pointer that your teacher tormented you with, "Carpe retractum."

With the motion of a whip, the pointer came flying towards you until it was pointed menacingly at your face, inches away. You blushed as the class laughed at you, "Do be careful."

"You've proven me wrong so far, but I have something much more difficult for you, Y/N. Last one if you can pull it off," Brook joked, leaning back in his chair, "I'm sure it's difficult dozing off in my classes while I'm speaking. Wouldn't it be much easier to sleep if I were being quiet?"

You blinked, "You want me to - "

"Silence me, yes." He flashed you that same playful smile and you shook your head, "Sir, I couldn't."

Professor Brook leaned forward and placed his hands on his desk, "Couldn't as in you're incapable, Y/N? You can't cast this spell?" He taunted and you frowned, "Of course I can."

"Then do it."

You bit your quivering lip and raised your wand to your teacher, your professor. This felt so wrong and you felt as if you were somehow disrespecting the man by even considering this. Your arm felt weighed down as you clumsily waved your wand and as you parted your lips to speak, you thought of Abraxas. You thought of being cornered by him in the library, being silenced and being attacked - it scared you, which effected your magic.

"Silencio." You muttered, barely even moving your wand at all. Nothing happened, of course, not even a pathetic little fzzz. Just nothing.

Professor Brook frowned lightly at you, "Again. With feeling, this time."

The brunette stood and with the wave of his hand, his pointer returned to his side, tapping random things on his desk as he spoke. "Blah blah blah," he droned sarcastically, "boring boring boring."

"Silencio." You flicked your wand harder this time, but still nothing happened and the man continued to speak, though he motioned for you to go on.

"Silencio," you felt heat rise in your chest as you motioned again and again at the man, about to speak again when you were interrupted by the old bell at the top of the castle.

Students filtered out of the room without the permission of Brook but he barely noticed as his eyes were on you - you, the usually unfazed Slytherin that sat alone at the end of your House table at meals and announcements and at the back of class, tucked away from prying eyes.

He knew something was wrong, even if he didn't know you as well as he knew others. Brook did tend to favor the more popular students, the more gifted and as you were neither, the only time he took the time to notice you at all was when you slept during his class. Which was always.

Slumping into your seat and sighing in defeat, you began gathering your things when Professor Brook approached, sitting in the empty seat next to you. "Y/N," he started, voice now void of any playful hint at all, "I've seen you cast that charm many times."

You sighed, "I'm just tired today, Professor. I'll try harder." The man shook his head and let out a soft chuckle. "You're always tired, but even I can tell something is bothering you."

Chewing the inside of your cheek, you gathered the rest of your belongings and stood up, "I'm fine, sir." You quietly muttered a 'thank you' before turning to leave, not noticing the sad smile that followed you. "If there's anything I can do, don't be afraid to come and visit me."

The air outside the classroom was much colder and you shuddered softly, stiff legs carrying you outside of the castle where you stood beneath an archway that overlooked the court yard. Eyes taking in the Quidditch stalls off in the distance where several students flew about practicing the sport and then overlooking the Old Forest which despite the season, was always shrouded in a thick layer of fog, eerie as ever.

You didn't have much time before your next class and for a brief moment you wondered if you should just skip, but cringed at the idea. You'd gotten into enough trouble this year already and it had barely started, there was no way you'd get away with skipping class.

Turning back into the open entry of the castle and quickening pace, you cursed yourself for taking so long to get there. Care of Magical Creatures was usually held outside regardless of whether classes were practical or theory, outside the other side of the castle. The bell thrummed again and you broke out into a full on sprint, cussing as the last groups of students filtered into their classrooms and leaving you alone in the halls.

"sh*t, sh*t," you hissed, gripping the thigh of your slacks and raising them as you did the previous class, preparing to trek through mud and muck to get there. You turned a corner and let out a relieved sigh as you neared an exit to the far side of the castle, you'd be a little late but that was better than a lot late.

Legs slowing until you were at a comfortable stride, you slipped past a fellow student, so fixated on the sun shining in through the glass surrounding the archway outside that you didn't even notice who it was. Only when a voice called to you did you realize - your heart dropped farther than it had in days."Y/N, wait," Sterling called and you whipped your head around to look at him, "What are you doing, Mathers? Class is this way."

The Ravenclaw looked careful, cautious as he spoke to you. "Not today, it isn't. We're at E-13 today, Professor Dumbledore is substituting."

You said nothing as from head to toe, you glared at every exposed inch of Sterling and he shifted uncomfortably under your gaze, "What happened to Kettleburn?" You asked warily, turning and slowly taking his side.

You felt your pride shrivel as the two of you began to walk together, you hated that you were in the company of a boy that had attacked you days prior to Abraxas. As far as you were concerned, the two of them were in the same boat, now.

"Professor Kettleburn is in Greece right now. I'm not sure what for, but until he comes back we have Dumbledore." He filled you in politely as he had when you first met and you walked in an uncomfortable, intimidating silence. You were too angry at Sterling to be afraid of him, or maybe you weren't afraid because you'd been toe-to-toe in his glorified broom closet and lived.

You could feel his green eyes on you every so often and it was beginning to get on your nerves - it was obvious he wanted to say something. Apologize, maybe? Let's start over, Y/N. Let's be friends, Y/N. You rolled your eyes at the thought and Sterling definitely noticed, taking a deep breath before reaching out and taking your arm.

Quickly pulling yourself from his grip, you glared at the Ravenclaw. "Don't touch me unless you want to lose your hand, Mathers." Even you were surprised at just how venomous you sounded and it took effort to keep yourself composed. "Y/N," Sterling frowned at you, "We need to talk."

"No, we don't. We need to go to class." You spat, patting down your robe like he'd dirtied it with his touch. "What happened in the library - "

"Is none of your bloody business, Mathers. Stop talking." Taking steps so large you must have looked ridiculous, you neared the classroom and ignoring the Ravenclaw's protests, pushed the door open to an empty classroom.

The gentle click of the door's lock had you turning, hand reaching into your robe without a word. Sterling was standing, back to the door and staring at you with not an ounce of animosity in his eyes and you hesitated.

"What is this?" You felt your fingertips caress your wand's edge as you watched the boy, who didn't even make a move under your hard glare. "I said we needed to talk."

You thought it over briefly before speaking again, "Then talk." Eyes followed Sterling's every move and he flashed you an apologetic look. "I hope I didn't hurt your head too much the other night," he took a step closer to you, "In the library."

You weren't sure whether to feel angry or relieved as he continued, "It was me, Y/N. I wanted to tell you after it was all over but I can't just waltz into the Slytherin common room and it seems like you've been hiding there."

You gawked at him, completely dumbfounded at his confession. "You were the one who attacked me in the library? Not Malfoy?" Sterling raised a finger to his lips and you hissed, "Don't shush me! Are you mad?"

The brunette sighed, "Please keep it down, Y/N. I didn't mean for it to go that far but I did what you asked, didn't I?" You shrieked in response, "I did not ask for you to assault me, you idiot! You couldn't have gotten him to leave me be any other way?"

"It worked though, didn't it? The Headmaster doesn't ever take anything that goes on between you and Abraxas seriously. It's been going on since I came to Hogwarts." He argued and you seethed in anger, "How would you know?""Everyone knows, Y/N. For God's sake you two never stop."

You were silent for a long time. Regardless of how little Sterling knew you as a person, he was right about this. Nothing ever came of your complaints to the Headmaster, nothing ever stopped Malfoy's constant harassment and nothing would have happened if he hadn't attacked you in the library - if Sterling hadn't framed him for attacking you in the library.

This was all too much for you and you blinked away tears, breath hitching in your throat as you stumbled back into a desk, resting against it. Sterling didn't say anything, he just watched you sob in the dark classroom until you were finished.

"I did what you asked, Y/N. He won't bother you again." He reminded you, much closer than he was a moment ago. You looked up at him through teary eyes and the olive-skinned boy looked apologetic. "I'm sorry I frightened you."

"You did far more than frighten me, Mathers." You laughed, "I should have known when you hexed me without a wand that you weren't Malfoy, he's about as smart as a bag of snails."

Sterling's sad expression weakened as he laughed with you, "You noticed?" Humming in response, you wiped your eyes and smiled at him despite your anger, it was dulling. Sterling had attacked you but you reasoned that it was in your best interest and were already beginning to forgive.

"How did you do that?" You asked, lashes still heavy with tears. "Polyjuice potion." Mathers fake-gagged, emitting another laugh from you that you quickly tried to shake off. You wanted to be angry at him for what he'd done since it was never your idea in the first place, but it hardly mattered now. You should be thanking him, you haven't seen that snot-nosed brat since.

"I truly am sorry that I took it so far," Sterling frowned again, his eyes deep with regret. "I knew that if I'd discussed it with you previously, you might not be able to pull off your part."

You couldn't help the smirk that crossed your face, "Are you saying I'm a bad actor?"

The Ravenclaw turned away from you with a chuckle, "I think regardless of how talented you may be, it was definitely a powerful show of emotions - it was impactful." It stung a little to hear Sterling talk about the encounter as if it weren't so traumatizing, but you tried to ignore it.

"I wasn't lying about Kettleburn being in Greece, by the way, but we don't have a substitute today, free period." A part of you was glad there would be no class today as you were far too emotionally drained to show your face anywhere, let alone participate in activities. You patted your puffy cheeks and sighed, following Sterling from the classroom and into the halls.


#tom riddle jr x reader#tom riddle x reader#tom riddle jr#tom riddle imagine#tom marvolo riddle#tom riddle#reader insert#gender neutral#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#hogwarts#Harry Potter#harry potter imagine#liar series#slytherin#ravenclaw#matt smith#charms#spells#abraxas malfoy#Albus Dumbledore#plot is brewing I promise#voldemort x reader#voldemort


Nov 26, 2020

His Little Witch~~Part 9



Main Pairing: Tom Riddle x Reader

Background Pairings: Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley x Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood x Neville Longbottom, James Potter x Lily Potter, Draco Malfoy x Pansy Parkinson

Tags:Swearing, Controlling!Tom Riddle, Controlling Relationship, Canon-Typical Violence, Possessive Tom Riddle, Soulmates, AU, CANON DIVERGENCE, Minister of Magic Tom Riddle, Out of Character Tom Riddle, nice Tom Riddle, Dumbledore and Tom get along, sane Tom Riddle

Taglist: @chewymoustachio, @peachsnyder138, @marvelous-glims, @ingeniouscollectionthing, @thedarkshiningknight


“Little Witch! Are you ready yet?” Tom calls from his study.

“In a minute babe!” You call back, peeking your head out of your bedroom.

“Love, we need to get going, it’s the first task of the Triwizard Tournament. The Minister of Magic cannot be late.” He repeats for what had to be the tenth time that morning as he walks back into your bedroom, where you’re finishing getting ready.

“Tommy relax. They aren’t going to start without you. And anyway it’s not even 10:30 yet, the task doesn’t start until noon.” You remind him gently. He was already stressed out about baby Grindelwald and it was the morning of the first task of a tournament that hadn’t been held in 20 years.

But to be honest you think that he is more worried about you being out in public with Grindelwald on the loose. You hadn’t left the house in a week and you were going stir crazy. You had to beg Tom to let you go with to the first task and he finally relented after your incessant teasing last night.

“You’re right, sorry, I’m just nervous.” He apologizes, pacing back and forth in front of the bed, running his hands down his face.

“It’s all going to be fine babe,” you say softly standing up and stepping in front of him, taking his hands in yours.

“You don’t know that. A million things could go wrong a student could be injured, Grindelwald could show up, you could be hurt-“ he started rambling.

“Babe, it’s going to be ok. Just breathe,” you try to soothe him but you know it’s hopeless. No matter what you say or do he will still be a bundle of nerves.

“You’re right love, of course, you’re right,” he says after taking a deep breath, he forces a small smile trying to ease your concern for him. But you know it’s fake, Tom is still panicking no matter how much he tries to hide it from you.

“Hey, I love you, Riddle,” you whisper, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. He reciprocates, finally letting his shields down a little.

“I love you too my Little Witch,” he replies after you break apart. “Are you ready yet?” He asks, causing you to chuckle.

“Yes my love, we can go now, though we are going to be incredibly early.” You tease taking his hand in yours as the two of you walk to his study.

“Better to be early than late. I am the Minister of Magic, after all, I do have a reputation to uphold,” he says as the two of you step into the fireplace together and Tom grabs a handful of Floo powder before shouting, “Dumbledore’s office!”

The fire flares up around you and sucks the two of you in before quickly depositing you in Dumbledore’s fireplace. The headmaster glances up from his position behind the desk, and a small smile creeping upon his face.

“Ahhh, Tom, Ms. Y/l/n, lovely to see the two of you again. Excited for the first task?” Dumbledore asks as the two of you step out of the fireplace and dust off your robes.

“Very! I am so excited to see Harry compete today! Though not as much as James and Sirius I’m sure.” You reply, your smile stretching from ear to ear. There was a small part of you that was worried about Harry’s safety but you knew that with Tom, Sirius, James, and Dumbledore there he wasn’t in any real danger.

“Yes, I’m sure James and Sirius are thrilled about Harry competing. And you Tom? Are you excited?” Dumbledore asks carefully, his eyes twinkling with concern.

“Oh yes, I’m so thrilled that we are hosting a deadly tournament with barely legal wizards competing in. It’s not like this isn’t an international incident waiting to happen or anything,” he replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Don’t mind him, Professor. He’s just a worrier, deep down I’m sure he’s excited.” You cut in, shooting Tom a look that says behave.

“I completely understand Ms. Y/l/n, Tom has always been one to worry. Mr. Crouch and Mr. Bagman shall be arriving shortly and then we can discuss final details about the tournament and the tasks.” Dumbledore says and you take that as your cue to leave. But of course, Tom refuses to relinquish his hold on you. His arm stays firmly in place around your shoulders and he shoots you a confused look.

“Where do you think you’re going Little Witch?” He asks, worry clouding his features.

“I was going to give you all some privacy to discuss tournament matters and find my friends. I wanted to wish Harry good luck.” You explained, patiently. You should have known he would question you. Tom was ridiculously overprotective and he hated not having you by his side.

“Alright, but I want James and Sirius to escort you. Albus, could you send them a message?” He asks, still keeping you tucked into his side.

“Of course Tom,” Dumbledore replied indulgently. He quickly summons his patronus and asks it to find James and Sirius and tell them to come to his office. While the three of you are waiting Dumbledore makes up some phony excuse about needing to check up on Fawkes, in order to give you and Tom some privacy. Dumbledore quickly shuffles off into his private chambers, just off of his office, as soon as the door closes Tom crushes you against him in a bone-crushing hug.

“Tom, it’s only for a little while, I’ll see you at the task.” You try to reassure him, though you know it’s pointless.

“I know love, but with Grindelwald out there I’m on high alert. This is the perfect opportunity for him to attack and I can’t have you caught in the crossfire. Promise me you will stay with James and Sirius until I come and collect you for the tournament?”

“Ohh, I get to sit with the Minister of Magic?” You tease and he just glares at you waiting for you to answer his question.

“Of course love,” you promise knowing there is no point in arguing. Especially considering all the begging you had to do to even be allowed to come today.

“Thank you Little Witch,” he replies before capturing your mouth in a hard, possessive kiss. Only a few moments later however you are interrupted by a knock on the door that causes the two of you to pull apart. Sirius and James walk in with big smirks on their faces, Merlin will those two ever grow up?

“Hope we weren’t interrupting anything,” Sirius teases with a giant smirk on his face.

“Sod off Black,” Tom growls in response.

“Touchy, touchy,” James tutts.

“Do you two want to be unemployed?” Tom hisses, his face turning slightly pink at their teasing.

“Let’s go guys before you get yourselves fired.” You say, giving Tom’s hand a quick squeeze before heading for the door.

“You two keep her safe,” Tom commands as the three of you walk towards the door.

“Yes Minister,” they both reply, any tone of teasing gone from their voices.

The three of you walk down in relative silence, feeling slightly awkward due to the lack of conversation you ask the one question that’s been on your mind all morning.

“How’s Lily doing?”

“She’s ready to lock Harry in a tower and throw away the key,” James replies, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

“I can’t believe she hasn’t done it yet,” Sirius says.

“What about you two?” You asked you knew that no matter how crazy and chill these two might appear, they were secretly just as overprotective as Tom.

“I’m excited for him, but part of me just wants to put my foot down and tell him he can’t compete. I know it’s important to him but this’s so dangerous.” James answers, his face hardening at the thought of his son in danger.

“Yeah, I know he’s a great wizard but to me, he’s still just a chubby, clumsy baby.” Sirius jokes, but you can see the tension behind his forced smile.

“He’s gonna do great guys,” you try to reassure them, they both offer you smiles but you can tell they are still freaking out on the inside.

Once you reach the Quidditch Pitch which had been altered to accommodate a dragon’s nest, you rush over to Harry and the others. James and Sirius stay back to give you guys some time on your own, though they stay close enough to keep an eye on you and to protect you if the need should arise.

“Hey, guys!” You greet them with a smile and pull Harry into a big hug. “Good luck out there Harry. You’re gonna do great.”

Once you break away from Harry you take in the looks on everyone’s faces. Harry looks slightly nervous but mostly excited, Ginny looks like she’s going to be sick, Ron looks enthusiastic yet slightly jealous, and Hermione looks disgusted at the prospect of students fighting dragons.

“Thanks, Y/n/n,” he says with a soft smile. He puts an arm around Ginny who was shaking like a leaf to try and steady her.

“It’s gonna be fine Gin,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to her temple.

“Champions to the tent please!” McGonagall’s voice announces over the loudspeakers. Harry gives you all one last wave before heading over to the champions’ tent.

“He’s gonna be alright Ginny,” you try to reassure her as you place an arm around her shoulders.

“Yeah, Harry’s a great wizard sis, he’ll be fine.” Ron agrees, trying to quell his sister’s worries.

“Y/n, I think someone is looking for you,” Hermione remarks, pointing over to where Tom is searching the crowd with a concerned expression.

“Oh, thanks ‘Mione. I’ll see you guys later,” you say before rushing over to his side.

“There you are Little Witch,” he greets you and you can see the tension fade from his face. Damn this man needs some calming drought, you think to yourself. He gives James and Sirius a nod, dismissing them from babysitting duty, at least for now.

“Hi Tom, how was the meeting?” You ask curiously. He wraps his arm around you and the two of you walk over to the teacher’s box.

“Boring, it was just tying up some loose ends and making sure the French and Bulgarian Ministries were part of the task development process. We need to cover our bases and ensure a fair competition.” He explains as the two of you enter the teacher’s box and he guides you to your seats. You were sitting in the front row next to Dumbledore and the other headmasters. It was a little awkward being with all the teachers, instead of the other students. But you were just going to have to get used to it, being the Minister’s mate and all.

The task was incredibly high pace and very interesting to watch. Though it was also slightly terrifying to see your fellow students go up against a dragon and try to capture their egg. Harry ended up scoring the highest and getting to his egg the fastest, which placed him in the lead. He made sure to use his natural skills to his advantage, summoning his broomstick and then getting the dragon to fly after him in order to get it away from the egg so he could then swoop in and grab it.

“I’m gonna go congratulate Harry,” you whisper to Tom right as he was being bombarded by reporters, all asking questions about the tournament. You knew he would be furious at you for wandering off on your own but you would deal with that later.

“Congratulations Harry!” You shouted giving him a big hug. His mom and Ginny were smiling but you could see the terror in their eyes. Sirius and James were off collecting money from their bets and Remus had his arm wrapped around Lily’s shoulder stabilizing her. Ron was going on and on about how incredible Harry was and Hermione was ranting to anyone who would listen about how absolutely barbaric the tournament was.

“Hey, guys party in the common room after dinner!” Seamus shouted, he and Dean both had faces full of Gryffindor colored face paint.

“Sweet!” Ron exclaims, he was always ready to party.

“Are you coming Y/n?” Hermione asks quietly.

“I wish, there is no way Tom will let me go without him and I don’t think it would be a ton of fun with the Minister of Magic chaperoning us.” You grumble slightly annoyed. You loved Tom but sometimes it sucked not being able to just hang out or party with your friends.

“There you are Little Witch,” Tom growled, looking absolutely furious with your little disappearing act.

“Hey babe,” you greet shyly, nervous for his reaction.

“Ready to go home?” He phrases it like a question but you know better. f*ck, you were in so much trouble when you got home.

“Sure, bye guys!” You call over your shoulder as Tom leads you back to the castle. The entire trip back to Dumbledore’s office is silent and you decide it’s best to keep it that way until you get home. Once you are in Dumbledore’s office the two of you walk straight to the fireplace and Tom grabs a handful of Floo powder before shouting, “Riddle Manor!” The fire swirls around the two of you again before depositing you both in the fireplace in Tom’s study. Tom marches you towards your room before he slams the door closed and turns to give you his signature glare.

“Care to explain Little Witch?” He asks, the fury practically dripping from his voice.

f*ck, you were in trouble now.


Part 10

#Harry Potter#harry potter fandom#harry potter fanfic#harry potter fanfiction#harry potter x reader#tom riddle jr#tom riddle#tom riddle x reader#tom riddle jr x reader#Hermione Granger#Ron Weasley#Ginny Weasley#Sirius Black#James Potter#Lily Evans Potter#Lily Potter#Albus Dumbledore#au#CANON DIVERGENCE#AU - Canon Divergence#au canon divergence#fanfic#hp fanfiction#hp fanfic#HP Fandom#hp#triwizard tournament#good tom riddle#grey tom riddle#sane tom riddle


Nov 14, 2017

Liar 13/? (Tom Riddle Jr/Voldemort Imagine)

(A/N: I’m on fire!)

The soft tickle of fur and gentle purring roused you from slumber slowly, a soft weight pressing into your side affectionately. You ran your fingers through the gentle silk and moaned softly, stroking the vibrating mass of fur. Your head turned and from behind your crusted eyelids, the sun was shining outside and a pair of voices off in the distance whispered quietly.

Mother and Father? You listened carefully to a man's voice, then a woman's and they exchanged in that order from the far end of the room. It didn't sound like them, but it must be. Who else would be in your room at this hour?

Rubbing your eyes with your free hand, you blinked rapidly to adjust to the light coming from a window by your bedside, a far away window. Blinking again and again until there was no more pain, the pieces began to fall apart and then rearrange. This wasn't your room, your bed and those voices weren't your parents - the only thing that was yours, was the large furry creature who stared up at you adoringly as you rose from the bed. The hospital wing, again.

The couple by the matron's desk parted and you sighed as she approached you, her face just as concerned as the last time you'd visited. "Dear child, what have you gotten yourself into this time?"

Raising a small vial, you snorted and shakily reached out for said vial, "This bed is just more comfortable than the one in my dormitory, ma'am." Having learned the last time just how vile these potions were when freshly brewed, you downed it with a scowl before returning the empty glass to her, smiling at her reassuringly.

"I had to move a student just so you could use this bed, dear. You must stop running into trouble so often." She lectured, finger raised at you. "No need to worry, though. Professor Dumbledore told me everything."

You raised a brow at her and stretched your legs, cringing at the stiffness - you needed to get more exercise if this was going to be routine for you. "It's very common for being to feel ill after their first few times Apparating. My first time was terrible, I actually fainted as well."

Nodding softly, you pulled the blankets off and tossed them over the lump at your bedside. "How long was I out for this time, miss?"

"Oh, not too long. Only overnight, but I expected longer so I made sure to clear the wing. You gave a lot of your friends quite a scare, Y/N."

You didn't remember telling the matron your name but that wasn't a surprise, you'd been visiting her far too often for her not to. Guilt prickled within you, you were probably becoming a burden to the poor woman. Then it hit you.

"Wait, friends?" Your eyes shot up to the woman and she nodded, "They were very worried. Followed you all the way from the office to the wing to see what'd happened to you, dear."

Your face hardened, "Do you know who?" There were few you could think that would bother stopping by the wing and even then, you hoped it was none of them. "Two I can't really recall, a boy and a girl in Ravenclaw, I believe. And Tom, of course."

The sound of his name made you want to faint all over again but instead you groaned, throwing your face into the pillow and ignoring the pawing at your midsection, "Stop it, Aradia."

She mewed in response before curling up on your back and resuming her purring. "It's good to have friends who truly care about you, darling. They were all so worried."

Why in the name of Salazar was Tom there? He most definitely wasn't in the library when you were serving detention and he absolutely was not in the office when Dumbledore transported you there, either. So how did he find out about you fainting and why did he even bother stopping by? The Ravenclaws you knew and although you were definitely confused, you were more at ease.

Odd how Tom had never pointed his wand at you but still made you far less comfortable than Sterling, who had.

"Ma'am, what time is it?" Turning your head to watch the woman tending to a student next to you, she stopped mid-movement to think before she responded, "Should be about quarter to seven, dear. More than enough time to pop back into your dormitory and gather your things if you're feeling ready to."

It was obvious the woman needed you gone, less students to tend to, less to worry about and so you nodded with a soft 'thank you'. Shrugging Aradia off you and rising from the bed, you left the hospital wing with your shoes dangling in your hand. You were too tired to care about what others were thinking of you and too tired to notice what little your socks did to shield your feet from the cold.

Hardly anyone was up yet and you were thankful but still anxious. You wondered what had happened to Abraxas, what his punishment would be or if he even got one at all. Pain thudded in your head as you rolled your eyes, Dippet held that boy on a pedestal for some ridiculous reason and always found a way to blame you for his actions, but now was hardly the time to dwell on that.

The soft pitter-patter of feet followed behind you, "And just where have you been all this time, hm?" You asked accusingly and she purred in response, almost tripping you over as she dashed between your legs and down the hallway to the dungeon.

Typical cats, you frowned and approached the painting that shielded your common room, "Pureblood." You grimaced, hating having to even utter the phrase. The painting didn't move and the figure within tutted, "Incorrect.""No," you sighed impatiently, "Pureblood."

Still, the painting didn't shudder and shift away, it stayed. The woman sitting in the frame smirked at you, "Incorrect." You gaped at her, "This is ridiculous. You know I'm in Slytherin, now let me in." She stared at her nails, uninterested. "No password, no entry."

Sucking a deep breath through gritted teeth, you dropped your shoes carelessly onto the ground, "I swear I'll rip you off this wall and throw you into the lake." You threatened and the woman pressed a hand to her chest with a dramatic gasp, "Was that a threat I just heard? From a student?"

Face red with anger, you opened your mouth to speak when you were interrupted, the painting disappearing behind the wall as the entrance appeared - you'd be glad if it wasn't Tom's face that emerged from the darkness behind it.

For a moment he looked like a mirror reflecting you, eyes sunken in, lips parted and posture downright terrible but he straightened up a moment later, brushing hair from his forehead and clearing his throat.

"You're well, I see." Brows arched as always, you didn't bother to meet his eyes as you slipped past him, muttering some response that Tom didn't hear and so he turned, calling your name.

You wanted to keep walking, you wanted to just go upstairs to your dorm and throw yourself into bed and just sleep another day away and forget about your problems for a while, but of course you didn't when you heard your name again, this time lower - deeper.

"What is it, Riddle? I need to get ready for classes." Glancing over your shoulder at the brunette, you sighed at him. He looked mildly irritated but still put on that same neutral expression he did with everything and everyone."Classes aren't for another hour and a half, Y/N. I think you can spare a moment." He insisted and you frowned, hating how polite he was being. "What is it, then?"

Tom was about to speak when you began towards the center of the common room where you tossed yourself carelessly onto the old leather couch. Running a hand over your face, you waited for Riddle to continue and only once you sat up and motioned for him to go on did he speak.

"I was informed of the incident in the library yesterday," He began, "Am I to understand that Abraxas hexed you during detention?" You scoffed, leaning against the leather and ignoring the squeal of protest against your weight. "You're not to understand anything," you retorted, hand raising lazily and waving him off.

"Malfoy does what Malfoy does," the Slytherin prefect's neutral expression was fading and it was becoming more and more obvious how impatient the boy truly was, especially in this moment. "He cornered me in the library and hexed me for getting Hornby into trouble or something," Aradia's big eyes loomed from above the fireplace over Riddle's shoulder and you smiled softly. "It's not important anymore, it's dealt with."

"Is it?" Tom folded his hands behind his back and pursed his lips, "Headmaster Dippet was quite displeased," he hesitated, "I was supposed to be watching you."

You sneered and stood up, "I don't need you to watch me, Tom. I'm fine on my own." You snapped and the boy simply stared, "Clearly you do need me," his eyes followed yours and he turned to look over his shoulder to find nothing. Aradia was gone.

"Regardless off how we feel, Dippet has made it clear that it's now my duty to," Tom stopped and blinked as he turned back to you, "to.."

You crossed your arms and frowned as Riddle reached up to scratch the tip of his nose before it wrinkled and he sneezed into his hand gracelessly. "Excuse me," you smirked as those eyes reappeared in the same place as they'd been moments ago, "Allergies, Riddle?"

Tom shot you a suspicious glance but ignored your comment, "As I was saying, Headmaster Dippet made it excruciatingly clear that I'm to keep a close eye on Abraxas until things between the two of you settle down. They came to an agreement, he wouldn't be expelled if he remained out of your sight for the rest of the year."

You rolled your eyes and waved him off, "How about the rest of forever." The comment was mostly to yourself, but you were somewhat irritated that Tom didn't respond, his gaze falling to the floor with a curious glint.

"Y/N, I believe it's best if you wear shoes when wandering the castle. It does get cold and you might fall ill again if you're not careful." Riddle's tone fell so close to playful that it made your skin crawl and you looked down at your bare feet, closing your eyes and letting out a long, drawn out sigh. "The password was changed without my knowing."

Tom frowned, "I'm sure it wasn't. The passwords are only changed at the beginning of each semester, or if there's a breach." Shaking your head and turning back to the entrance of the common room, you shifted from foot to foot as the wall shook and the painting moved, it's back to you.

Stepping out of the passage you looked around in search for your shoes, but found none and stood for a moment, brows furrowed thoughtfully. Had you left them in the hospital wing? No, you remembered distinctly having them with you on your way to the dungeon, you'd only dropped them when that obnoxious painting started to back-talk you.

You didn't have to look at Tom's face to know he was amused, "I'd lend you a pair if I wasn't sure they'd be too big for you." Gritting your teeth as you so often did, you turned and stepped back into the common room, "If that's all you had to say to me then I'll be going."

Storming past him with a new built up frustration, you didn't even bother listening for a response, walking up the spiral staircase and muttering bitterly to yourself. "Keeping an eye on Malfoy shouldn't be hard since he's always got his head up your arse."

You didn't notice the hard glare following your figure up the staircase until you disappeared, nor did you notice Aradia above the fireplace, back arched and fur puffed aggressively before she slinked away into the shadows.

#tom riddle#tom riddle x reader#tom riddle jr#tom marvolo riddle#tom riddle imagine#harry potter imagine#Harry Potter#slytherin#abraxas malfoy#voldemort#reader imagine#reader insert#gender neutral#ftbawtft#tom riddle jr x reader#voldemort x reader#liar series#where are those shoes yall#who was that voice yall


Nov 14, 2017

Liar 12/? (Tom Riddle Jr/Voldemort Imagine)

(A/N: Thanks for the support since coming back, guys. I was feeling a little bumpy at first but things are smoothing out now.)

Days had passed since your last meeting with Sterling and you were beginning to wonder if he'd just reconsidered the deal he'd forced upon you. You didn't see him in class, you didn't see him in the Great Hall and you didn't see him in the library where you spent the rest of your detentions, courtesy of Tom Riddle.

Dipping the very tip of your finger into your mouth, you turned a page for the hundredth time, absorbing none of the information you were reading. In one ear and out the other, your teachers would tell you. Sighing, your eyes drifted from the book in front of you and off into the distance of the massive library - this book wasn't going to help you pass the time and so you'd have to find another.

You rose from your seat, carefully tucking it under the table before taking quiet steps into the depths of the library, hoping no one would notice you go and demand you stay in your seat for the entirety of your detention session. You traced spines of books perched neatly at either side of you, strolling through the shelves and skimming over the covers silently.

You'd never ventured this deep into the library and you wished you had, finding a far corner with a single round table next to a window, but hidden by many shelves and out of sight. Approaching the empty chair beside it, you reached out to pull it forward, only to let out a frightened yelp when it screeched, dragging itself across the floor and away from you.

You didn't have to turn around to know who that snickering belonged to and your heart dropped. So Sterling had forgotten about your deal, figures. Turning around and thinning your lips into the best smile you could muster in his presence, you spoke.

"Hello, Abraxas." Eyes drifting from his arrogant face and downward, you noticed his fingers were curled beneath the billowy sleeve of his robe and sighed, "If you don't mind, I'd like that chair back."

The blonde smirked at you, raising his hand and twirling his long fingers, the chair mimicked him and rattled before beginning to move, "This chair?" It circled you slowly, barely touching the ground as to make no noise or attract attention.

"Yes, this chair. Give it to me." Back slumping, you let out a soft groan, every step you took was blocked by the flying chair.

"Let's not do this right now, please." Abraxas scoffed in mock disbelief, "I'm sorry, what? I didn't hear that last part, Y/N."

You were already too tired from the past few days events and really didn't have the energy to cat fight with Malfoy but you certainly weren't going to say please to him more than once. You'd rather recount the day he convinced Olive to drop leeches down your robe - you shuddered at the memory.

"Give me my chair, Malfoy." You sneered at him half heartedly. "Please, Y/N. Say please."

The breath in the back of your throat refused to leave and you were left lips parted, eyes wide and probably looking like a buffoon. You said nothing. "Give - ""Shhhh!" Both of you jumped in the dark and you searched for a figure with your eyes but found none and from the look of it, neither did Malfoy. The chair in front of you dropped lifelessly onto the ground in front of you as he turned, glaring into the dark. "Who's there?"

"No one but us. Now be quiet, you inconsiderate little fool." A scratchy voice barked and you couldn't help but laugh, cupping your face into your hands and shaking, careful not to eye off the obviously cranky painting hanging crooked on a brick wall above the table.

"Little fool would be right," you agreed playfully. Abraxas still looked bewildered but he barely showed it, glaring from the dark back at you with cold grey eyes."Do you think your little tricks are funny? Hm?"

With long, loud steps, the Slytherin pure-blood came closer and closer until the distance between you was almost close. Any other person in your position would be ecstatic to have the ever so charming Abraxas Malfoy this close, but it was you - and you were anything but pleased.

"I bet you thought ratting out Olive was funny, too. Do you know how many weeks of detention she'll have to serve because of you?" Abraxas was much taller than you and you'd never noticed until that moment.

The only times you were ever in such close proximity was when you would quite literally brawl as children, but years passed and the two of you were lectured countless times as to why that was inappropriate, that a man never hits a lady and if he does, a lady certainly doesn't hit back.

Scoffing at the thought, you shoved past him to return to your seat at the front of the library, cursing yourself for having left to begin with. Of course you'd find trouble where ever there were no eyes to witness it but it just had to be Abraxas causing it. For a moment, you almost wished you'd just accepted Sterling's offer to begin with, maybe things would be different.

You were wrong for thinking that that would be the end of your short-lived, unpleasant encounter with Abraxas. Pain shot across the back of your scalp as his long fingers clutched at a fist-full of your hair and when you screamed instinctively at the pain, nothing came out.

That was when the real panic started, you tried to protest but again, no sound came from you - it was clear that you'd been silenced while your back was turned but what truly shocked you was that Abraxas wasn't even holding his wand. He'd hexed you without it, and that was terrifying.

It took years for wizards to even begin using incantations without their wands and even the most talented never fully mastered the art, so how was Abraxas doing this? He'd never displayed such intellect before, always prattling on in class and refusing to do his own homework, bullying first-years or paying sixth-years to do it for him.

"Don't turn your back on me, you filthy little blood traitor." He spat at you, grip tightening in your hair the more you struggled. "You're so disgusting, did you know that? I can barely stand to even touch you right now."

Eyes watering, you winced silently as Abraxas turned your head at an angle you wanted to cry at, an angle your neck wasn't meant to turn that only brought you more discomfort, bordering on painful. "I bet you just relished in getting her into trouble. Olive is ten times better looking than you and five times smarter, so why wouldn't you be jealous of her?"

Jealous? This boy was completely mad if he thought you were jealous of Olive Hornby - you barely ever even thought about her unless she went out of her way to torment you, which she did only on command.

Words died in your throat as you opened your lips to speak, momentarily forgetting you'd been hexed. Instead, you watched Malfoy carefully and he grinned, pulling your head this way and that and chuckling quietly at your reaction. Face scrunched up and tears beginning to fall from your eyes, you felt helpless against him until you finally reached into your robe, searching for your wand, tense shoulders slumping as you realized it wasn't there. You'd forgotten your only form of defense under the pillow you slept on at night in your dormitory.

Eyes drifting shut hopelessly, you waited for Malfoy to continue his taunts and after a long, drawn-out yawn, he did. "Forget something, Y/N?" He tutted condescendingly at you before giving your head another firm yank, hoping to force another silent cry from you and when you didn't react, he did it again.

Again and again and again he yanked at your hair, which was burning painfully with each tug. You felt hair break close to your head and grimaced at the thought, he was literally pulling your hair out and you could do nothing to stop him, you'd have to wait until he was finished and that's what forced a reaction out of you, a face that Malfoy absorbed with his eyes, smirking sad*stically.

It didn't last, though, and the Slytherin's grip on you loosened suddenly as he parted from you quickly. Faster than you'd ever seen him move, he was behind a shelf and trying his best to hide in the shadows as footsteps approached quickly, too quickly for someone just browsing the library - and that's when you noticed.

The painting, it's grumpy old figure who'd only moments ago snapped at the two of you for making too much noise, he was gone. Gone from the frame that held him and in none nearby.

"Mister Malfoy, how dare you!" A shrill voice had every student who'd come for quiet groaning, their study sessions coming to a rude end. "Putting your hands on a fellow student? You're a disgrace, boy!"

He didn't move and neither did you until the figures revealed themselves from around a corner shelf. The Librarian, a tall, willowy woman followed by your favourite teacher and all-too often savior, Albus Dumbledore.

The woman barely even bothered to console you and brushed right past to the corner Malfoy had taken refuge in, pinching his ear and dragging him from the shadows. He chattered his teeth painfully as she pulled him down the passageway and presumably out of the library, to the Headmaster, leaving you alone with Professor Dumbledore.

You said nothing, but sniffled and wiped away tears onto your sleeve carelessly. You would never allow anyone to see you in such a pitiful state, but Dumbledore was the only person you trusted, the only person who held a genuine care for you - for all students at the school.

"How did you find us?" You asked, shocked to find your voice had returned to you. Looking up at the old man through glassy eyes, you smiled thankfully, though it was barely there. "I believe you know the answer to that already," Albus reached out, hand held by wrinkled flesh finding your shoulder and guiding you into the very seat that had started this entire argument.

"Take a moment to breath, I understand that this must have been quite traumatic. I've been filled in by Ser Argane already, but will you tell me your side? What happened here, Y/N?" No one's voice calmed you like your Professor's did and sometimes you wondered if feeling that way was inappropriate, perhaps you shouldn't feel as safe and at ease as you do with Dumbledore.

"I'm here for the last detention I was supposed to serve from Professor Slughorn, you know, for skipping announcements at the Great Hall." Your mind flickered back to the night you'd been punished for almost nothing, the man had been manipulated by his star pupil, Riddle. You hardly had the time to dwell on your hatred for the boy.

"I was just reading to pass the time but it was dull, so I got up to find some other book to entertain me," picking at the thread of your vest, your lip quivered as you continued, "He just showed up, Professor. I really didn't do anything to him."

You looked up and saw nothing but compassion behind the mass of facial hair in front of you, "Abraxas was trying to get me back for getting Olive into trouble."

Dumbledore hummed quietly, fingers twirling a loose strand of his beard, "For the incident in Potions, yes, I heard about that." You nodded, "I tried to leave but he hexed me and.." You sighed, shaking your head, "The rest isn't important, then you showed up."

The two of you were quiet for a moment before Dumbledore spoke up, "Will you take my arm for a moment?" Raising your head and staring at the Professor, you reached out, carefully looping your arm with his and in an instant, everything was a whirlwind of colours, sounds and smells that had you on your hands and knees when it was all over.

You gagged a few times, eyes watering until you were able to calm your confused senses, gladly inviting the warm hand that rubbed soothing circles between your shoulders. "Terribly sorry, Y/N. Not everyone's first time Apparating is pleasant." You wanted to be angry at that clearly amused tone of voice, but you could never find it within yourself to harbor anything but pleasant feelings for the man behind you.

In front of you, though, was an entirely different case. Standing by his desk and staring down at you accusingly, brow raised and foot tapping impatiently was your Headmaster. The man was clearly irritated to say the least and you slowly stood up, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand and meeting his hard gaze with a timid one in return.

"I see the two of you are inseparable," He said in a low tone and if you weren't still recovering from your ordeal, you'd be staring slack-jawed at the man.

"Sir?" Your voice sounded more animal than human at the moment and you cleared your throat aggressively before swallowing, looking at the man the entire time. "I've been notified of your situation. Is it true that Abraxas Malfoy attacked you in the library, Y/N?"

You said nothing but nodded, more focused on how run-down and exhausted you were feeling, eyes drifting from your Headmaster to the other figures standing at either side and behind you. "Yes."

Unkempt brows raised, "Yes?"

"Yes, sir." You corrected, slouching awkwardly in the Dippet's shadow. "I'll need you to give me a written statement, Y/N. This is becoming serious, your fued with Abraxas."

Your gut burned with anger at the comment but you remained silent, nodding at every second word the Headmaster prattled at you, lecturing you the same old string of words he had for years. "I won't be tolerating this kind of behavior in my school, Y/N. This has gone on for too long."

Stomach screaming at you to protest, you clenched your eyes shut and groaned softly before blinking them back open. It took you a moment to realize that Armando was swaying in front of you, then circling until he was directly above you - the strange sudden change of environment was accompanied with a sharp pain in the side of your head and left shoulder.

"Fetch the matron immediately!" The man's hard glare turned just as quickly as the world had around you and he leaned down, cupping head in his hands with a genuinity he rarely showed.

"Don't just stand there boy, help them up. Hurry now," Hands grabbed at you without consent but with a tenderness you welcomed, eyes fluttering closed and lazily reopening as you fought sleep's tendrils.

Time slowed down and sped up all at once as you drifted in and out of consciousness on the Headmaster's office floor, the only thing grounding you to the waking world was the soft voice of someone unfamiliar. You were rolled onto your uninjured shoulder and onto a stretcher that lifted you from the cold ground and out of the room swiftly but also carefully.

Even in your current state, you caught glimpses of students gathering in groups as you descended stairs and glided through hallways, footsteps following closely behind you and that same voice whispering to you from somewhere in your mind.

"Out of the way, children! Clear a bed." Lips tugging into a soft smile, you let out a soft, lazy laugh before sleep had finally seduced you, head lolling back into someone's open palm.

How many times were you going to faint this year?

#tom riddle x reader#tom riddle jr x reader#tom riddle imagine#tom riddle jr#tom marvolo riddle#voldemort#slytherin#ravenclaw#abraxas malfoy#Harry Potter#harry potter imagine#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#hogwarts#Albus Dumbledore#armando dippet#Hexes#bullying#tw: violence#good guy painting#that dirty Malfoy#Olive Hornby#ftbawtft#newt scamander#liar series


Nov 12, 2017

Liar 10/? (Tom Riddle Jr/Voldemort Imagine)

(A/N: Taylor as Sterling Mathers? Risky move!)

It was intimidating to begin with, seeing Sterling in your shared class and gathering the courage to approach him. You shifted from one foot to the other behind him as he skimmed through one textbook or another, part of you wanted to scoff, typical Ravenclaw.

"Did you need something, Y/N?" The boy mused, turning to face you but not raising his gaze from the pages.

It took everything in your being not to stutter your response, but somehow you managed it. Head held high with that fake Slytherin pride, you crossed your arms and smirked.

"Are you ever not reading?" You teased, and Mathers snapped the book shut before carefully pushing it into the bottom of his bookbag and flashed you a soft smirk of his own. "Some of us actually value knowledge."

You were about to counter his playful jab when you were interrupted by your professor, though you were far more interested in the mysterious Ravenclaw at your side, who didn't protest when you took a seat by him. In fact, the entire class went smoothly with Sterling and you felt relieved to have some normalcy for once in what felt like far too long.

"What did you think of my book, Y/N?" Sterling leaned in, reaching for his quill and dipping it in ink quietly before scribbling away, paying no mind to Kettleburn up front, who shot him a warning brow-wiggle.

"Your book? I wasn't aware you were an author." You'd never take chances speaking to someone you didn't know well, but somehow Sterling made you feel comfortable. Whatever taunt you threw at him, he threw right back with equal vigor and it made you feel at home in his presence.

No more was spoken of the book he'd shared with you, not until after class had finished and you were given your free period. Rising and gathering your belongings, you were about to leave when Sterling stepped in front of you, waiting for the rest of the students to file out of the room.

"Are you busy right now?" He asked and you slowly shook your head, "I have time."

"Good. Let's go somewhere more private, then." You sputtered in response and your cheeks flushed violently, "I-I'm not sure what you mean, but - "

Sterling pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed impatiently, "I wanted to discuss something with you, Y/N. We're not all here to get cozy."

You felt your face only heat up more, but you nodded timidly and followed in his tall shadow silently, kicking yourself for even considering Mathers coming onto you.

Of course he wouldn't do that, he was probably one of the most ambitious students in Hogwarts, he didn't have time for anything like romance, and even if he did, why would he fancy you? You barely knew each other, and you wondered if you were projecting onto him. Maybe you were getting too comfortable.

Weaving through pools of students, you struggled to keep up with the Ravenclaw ahead, who actually held himself with more pride than you did as an average Slytherin - he didn't spare anyone else a glance as he passed.

Students from all houses shifted the best they could out of Sterling's path and you grimaced at the sight, no one ever bothered to move out of your way. In fact, some even made an effort to trip you up or stop you altogether for fun.

You remembered Tom's words then.

“I just want to be left alone.” You told him.

“You’ve always responded exactly the ways they want you to,” Tom leered down at you like you were some sort of revolting insect. “You always give them a source of entertainment.”

“What should I do?” How could you be so shameless as to ask Tom Riddle for advice? You gritted your teeth at the memory.

“I wouldn’t know, that Hornby girl wouldn’t dare do to me as she did to you.”

The thought of his words made your blood boil and you realized just how little he thought of you, how little so many people thought of you.

“Because I’m smart.”

Every step was harsher than the last and soon you were practically stepping on Sterling's heels, too lost in your own world to realize that you were tripping both of you up. He turned a corner and you followed, only to find yourself facing a wall.

"Wrong turn?" Sterling's lips curled into an amused smile and you felt small beneath it. "Not at all. I wanted to show this to you."

The Ravenclaw withdrew his wand, pale colour clashing with his dark skin in a way you couldn't help but describe as beautiful. Watching him wave it in the shape of what looked like a lower-cased 'Z', you waited for a moment, unimpressed, until suddenly the painting sighed and shook, disappearing as the wall behind it turned and exposed a secret entrance to you.

Eyes wide and heart pounding, you gawked at the thin, long hallway ahead and continued to do so even after Sterling guided you inside, following you closely behind. Questions rose in your mind, too many to make sense of and you surely made a fool of yourself when a long string of gibberish left your still open mouth.

"Are you impressed?" He asked slowly, muttering a spell you were familiar with, Lumos.

It took a moment for your eyes to adjust to the dark room, but it happened and you were shocked to find the room much larger than you'd originally thought. Long, blue curtains draped over a small window at the far end of the room by a small fireplace adorned with several mantelpieces that you'd never seen anywhere in the castle before.

Pushed up against the window-adorned wall was a long wooden table with books and loose pages scattered about on top of it and a lone chair left tucked beneath it.

"Sterling," you breathed, turning to him slowly, "What is this place?"Green eyes scanned over your face carefully before finally, they broke away from you and to the fireplace, "There are actually a lot of hidden passages throughout the castle, I found my first in second year. Don't you ever hear the sound of shifting brick at night? It's too loud not to notice."

Your fingers ran across the dusty table and laughed soflty, "Slytherin, Mathers. I'm a Slytherin," you turned your attention to the books strewn about in front of you and noticed a pattern in their contents. Transfigurations. All Transfigurations.

"I brought you here to ask for your opinion." Sterling began, taking a quiet step forward and carefully placing his bookbag on the table. "This book," he pulled that familiar leather-bound book from the depths and you blinked at it, then at him.

"It's the book I stole from the restricted section." You couldn't help the giddiness that welled within you and your lips curled into a mischievous grin, "This book is what landed you in detention last week?"

He nodded in response, "It took me a long time to get it but once I figured out how, it was easy, just like the rest." Your eyes scanned over the books he was motioning towards and despite it taking a moment for the cogs in your brain to grind into action, you understood.

"All of these were stolen from the restricted section of the library?!" You gawked, breath taken completely by Sterling's declaration.

"You liar," you picked the nearest one up and examined it carefully, many of the pages sticking together with magic to prevent prying eyes like yours. "There's no way you could take all of these without someone noticing. And all Transfigurations? What are you up to, Mathers?"

Sterling plucked the book from your hands only to replace it with the one he'd retrieved from his bookbag and gauging your reaction, "Y/N, will you help me?"

Squinting your eyes suspiciously at the Ravenclaw, you pondered for a moment, looking back at the books in front of you, illustrations of men and animals alike that for whatever reason seemed to beckon you in, the pages inviting you as if they knew how curious you naturally were.

"Help you how?"

#tom riddle x reader#tom riddle jr#tom marvolo riddle#tom riddle imagine#tom riddle#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#hogwarts#taylor lautner#reader insert#tom riddle jr x reader#Harry Potter#harry potter imagine#slytherin#ravenclaw#animagus#animagi#liar series#gender neutral


Nov 13, 2017

Liar 11/? (Tom Riddle Jr/Voldemort Imagine)

"Help you how?" The silence that followed was so thick you could drag your fingers through it and Sterling was looking at you, contemplating what he should say next. It took a lot of glaring for him to finally gather himself to reply. "I can't go into the restricted section anymore, Y/N."

You scoffed, rolling your eyes, "You can't go into the restricted section period, Mathers. What's this about, really? Spit it out."

The raven-haired Ravenclaw sighed softly before motioning for you to sit and you did, eyes never leaving him for a moment. Suspicion grew and predictions flew through your mind, none of them good.

"I've been studying Transfiguration since I was a first year, it's a passion of mine. A great one," waving his wand, the fire sparked to life. "Do you know how much knowledge they keep from us in that section of the library? There's so much that they don't teach us here at Hogwarts because they've deemed it too dangerous, as if we're not capable enough."

You hummed in agreement, there were an awful lot of books in the restricted section and although you'd never really stopped to take a peak through those steel bars, you were beginning to wonder.

"You're smart, Y/N. I can tell," he leaned in, "I can tell you want to know more."

Heart clenching, your teeth gritted together angrily, all previous opinions of Sterling going out of the window. He was trying to manipulate you. "Don't butter me up, Mathers. How dumb do you think I am? You just brought me here to do your dirty work."

For a moment Sterling looked surprised, but his bright green eyes still held that intense glint to them. "I'm asking you to help me, as a friend."

You swatted away the hand that reached out to touch you and stood up, straightening your robes, "I don't have time for your games. Ask someone else or do it yourself. If there's nothing in it for me, why should I risk it?"

Turning on your heel, you stormed off into the thin hallway that you came from, but as you neared where the exit should have been, you only found wall. A close presence had you pressing against the cold stone there. "Let me out of here, Sterling."

Sighing deeply, you listened to long steps growing nearer. "I can't let you tell anyone about this place, Y/N."

He was quick, but so were you, and soon the two of you were pointing your wands at each other, "I said let me out, you little worm."

"I can't trust you."

"I can't trust you, either. I never should have, clearly." Knees quaking lightly, you raised your wand higher, aiming it at the Ravenclaw's shadowed face and for a moment, you lowered your arm - only slightly.

"I didn't want this to happen, I just - Obliviate!"

"Protego!" Whipping your arm with what little space you had in the thin hallway, your wand shook and a white light spewed from it before expanding in front of you in the form of a magical shield.

"I knew you were clever, Y/N." You glared in the dark, the only light coming from the dying fire in the room behind you. "What can I do to persuade you to help me?"

"Nothing, now let me go, you little b - "

"Expelliarmus." Your wand flew from your hand and over your head, clattering into the brick wall. You scrambled for it in the dark anxiously before the tiny sliver of light was blocked out by Sterling's towering shadow, blanketing you in darkness.

So here you were, on your knees, shaking in fear in front of someone you had only just let in - you'd only just begun to trust, to believe you'd made a true friend and that's all it took. Your ears strained for something, some incantation, some ruffle of robes, anything.

"If you help me, I can help you." Mathers offered, tone soft and almost apologetic - this only angered you more. "I don't need your bloody help. I don't need anyone's help."

Your fingertips caressed the end of your wand and for a moment you were hopeful, only for it to slide from your grasp and into the sneaky hands of the Ravenclaw above you. "I need this, Y/N, and I need your help."

Your pride shattered as Sterling's pale wand pressed into your neck, lifting your chin to look at him. Searching his face for anything was useless and you realized then that so was fighting him. Sterling had caught you off guard, he'd wormed his way in to your schedule, pretended to be your friend just to lure you somewhere secluded, to corner you and render you defenseless.

That pesky voice tickled the back of your mind, becoming louder and louder until it was your main focus. Not the wand in your face, not the soreness of your knees, not your wand in someone else's hands, but his voice.

“You’ve always responded exactly the ways they want you to,” you refused to let yourself be a victim to this boy or to anyone else - you weren't going to be anymore.

Weighing your options silently, you forced your scowl to smooth away, "A favor for a favor?"

Sterling's green eyes looked hopeful and he nodded, "That's right."

You stood up slowly, grimacing at the wand still pointed into the flesh of your neck but ignoring it the best you could, the thought in your mind urging you in a way you'd never felt before.

"I want you to do something for me, then." Mathers' dark brows raised quizzically and he motioned for you to continue, lowering his wand slightly - you were defenseless, after all, but you didn't want to be anymore.

You weren't going to lower yourself so far that you'd ever need to ask Tom Riddle for advice ever again and you were going to use this opportunity to make sure of that. Tom left your mind and was replaced by someone you hated equally, if not more.

That smug grin, pale skin, light blonde hair and pristine robes made you sick to your stomach and you were done with being made a fool of. You'd be rid of his constant taunts for good if you played your cards right and you'd do it without having to get your own hands dirty.

"I want you to make sure Abraxas Malfoy never bothers me again."

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Views: 6087

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.